National Open Wheel 600 Series (ALL)

Henderson Doubles, and Knapp Sweeps NOW600 Cactus...
Heath, Norbury, and Knapp Kick Off 2025 with NOW60...
THREE WEEKS: NOW600 National Series to Begin 13th...
Henderson Doubles, and Knapp Sweeps NOW600 Cactus...

Henderson Doubles, and Knapp Sweeps NOW600 Cactus...

2/3/2025 -
GLENDALE, Ariz. (February 2, 2025) - JW Henderson went for a double on Saturday night while Colton Knapp swept the weekend in Restricted with the NOW6
Heath, Norbury, and Knapp Kick Off 2025 with NOW60...

Heath, Norbury, and Knapp Kick Off 2025 with NOW60...

2/3/2025 -
GLENDALE, Ariz. (February 2, 2025) - Logan Heath, Preston Norbury, and Colton Knapp each started off the 2025 season with wins at Adobe Mountain Speed
THREE WEEKS: NOW600 National Series to Begin 13th...

THREE WEEKS: NOW600 National Series to Begin 13th...

1/31/2025 -
DRUMRIGHT, Okla. (January 31, 2025) - The calendar is about to flip to February and that only means one thing for the NOW600 National Series, it is al

Latest News

Henderson Doubles, and Knapp Sweeps NOW600 Cactus Region Weekend...

GLENDALE, Ariz. (February 2, 2025) - JW Henderson went for a double on Saturday night while Colton Knapp swept the weekend in Restricted with the NOW600 Cactus Region at Adobe Mountain...more

Heath, Norbury, and Knapp Kick Off 2025 with NOW600 Cactus Region...

GLENDALE, Ariz. (February 2, 2025) - Logan Heath, Preston Norbury, and Colton Knapp each started off the 2025 season with wins at Adobe Mountain Speedway with the NOW600 Cactus Region. A field of 63...more

THREE WEEKS: NOW600 National Series to Begin 13th Season at Red D...

DRUMRIGHT, Okla. (January 31, 2025) - The calendar is about to flip to February and that only means one thing for the NOW600 National Series, it is almost race day! Since 2016, the NOW600 National...more

New Mexico's Legacy Speedway Sanctions with NOW600 in 2025!

DRUMRIGHT, Okla. (January 29, 2025) - Adding another track in the "Land of Enchantment", Legacy Speedway in Grants, New Mexico has joined the sanctioning of NOW600 entering the 2025 season. 17...more

NOW600 Returns to New Mexico Sanctioning Kart Kanyon Speedway!

AZTEC, New Mexico (January 28, 2025) - Adding to races under the National Open Wheel 600 Series umbrella in 2025, Kart Kanyon Speedway will return to NOW600 sanctioning after a six year...more

Upcoming Events

8/19/2023 - US 24 Speedway

8/19/2023 - US 24 Speedway

Logansport, IN


  • NOW600 Non-Wing Micros38 entries
  • NOW600 A-Class Micros19 entries
  • NOW600 Restricted Micros18 entries
  • NOW600 Junior Sprints13 entries

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Full Event Information on MyRacePass

NOW600 Non-Wing Micros

25 Laps

A Feature 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 1 43 Parker Perry Parker Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN -
2 3 39 Russ Disinger Russ Disinger Francesville, IN Francesville, IN 1
3 5 2V Stone Sharpe Stone Sharpe Frankfort, IN Frankfort, IN 2
4 2 21B Beau Brandon Beau Brandon Elwood, IN Elwood, IN -2
5 8 12 Jacob Ruppe Jacob Ruppe South Bend, IN South Bend, IN 3
6 20 66C Caleb Shietze Caleb Shietze Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 14
7 10 38J Wood Jimmy Wood Jimmy Monticello, IN Monticello, IN 3
8 13 K10 Kole Kirkman Kole Kirkman Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 5
9 9 P1 Parker Leek Parker Leek Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN -
10 4 75 TJ Scime TJ Scime Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN -6
11 18 30R Kayden Boles Kayden Boles Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 7
12 15 4 Tyler Orr Tyler Orr Buffalo, IN Buffalo, IN 3
13 14 16 Garrett Sautter Garrett Sautter Leesburg, IN Leesburg, IN 1
14 11 57JR Tyler Hartzell Tyler Hartzell Granger, IN Granger, IN -3
15 7 7S Kanon Posey Kanon Posey Pittsboro, IN Pittsboro, IN -8
16 12 180 Craig Overpeck Craig Overpeck Logansport, IN Logansport, IN -4
17 16 24M Bryce Maxson Bryce Maxson Monticello, IN Monticello, IN -1
18 17 51B Parker Bupp Parker Bupp Greenfield, IN Greenfield, IN -1
19 DNF 19 52 Jacob Bretzman Jacob Bretzman Peru, IN Peru, IN -
DNS 6 28H Austin Helm Austin Helm Westfield, IN Westfield, IN -
12 Laps

B Feature 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 2 51B Parker Bupp Parker Bupp Greenfield, IN Greenfield, IN 1
2 5 30R Kayden Boles Kayden Boles Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 3
3 1 52 Jacob Bretzman Jacob Bretzman Peru, IN Peru, IN -2
4 14 66C Caleb Shietze Caleb Shietze Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 10
Top 4 transfer
5 3 7A Charlie Allen Charlie Allen Crawfordsville, IN Crawfordsville, IN -2
6 7 3B Caleb Burge Caleb Burge Anderson, IN Anderson, IN 1
7 6 9 Brad Sutton Brad Sutton Palmetto, FL Palmetto, FL -1
8 9 6 Nick Schaefer Nick Schaefer Granger, IN Granger, IN 1
9 13 N64 Kyle Walker Kyle Walker Peru, IN Peru, IN 4
10 4 55 Patrick Sullivan Patrick Sullivan Auburn, IN Auburn, IN -6
11 12 18Y Jeremy Young Jeremy Young 1
12 21 34 Gavin Bean Gavin Bean Dana, IN Dana, IN 9
DNS 8 00 Bryan Martin Bryan Martin Fort Wayne, IN Fort Wayne, IN -
DNS 10 23C Connor Corcoran Connor Corcoran Logansport, IN Logansport, IN -
DNS 11 89 Kati Waggoner Kati Waggoner Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN -
DNS 15 43M Clayton Maynard Clayton Maynard Peru, IN Peru, IN -
DNS 16 9H Stuart Hanft Stuart Hanft Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN -
DNS 17 6C Levi Copass Levi Copass Middletown, IN Middletown, IN -
DNS 18 07C Carter Whaley Carter Whaley Danville, IN Danville, IN -
DNS 19 12J Jayden Gorman Jayden Gorman New Castle, IN New Castle, IN -
DNS 20 97G Landon Gutwein Landon Gutwein Francesville, IN Francesville, IN -
DNS 22 59 Cody Jackson Cody Jackson Brook, IN Brook, IN -
8 Laps

Heat 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 2 43 Parker Perry Parker Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN 1
2 3 2V Stone Sharpe Stone Sharpe Frankfort, IN Frankfort, IN 1
3 1 P1 Parker Leek Parker Leek Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN -2
4 4 K10 Kole Kirkman Kole Kirkman Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN -
Top 4 transfer
5 5 52 Jacob Bretzman Jacob Bretzman Peru, IN Peru, IN -
6 8 30R Kayden Boles Kayden Boles Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 2
7 9 6 Nick Schaefer Nick Schaefer Granger, IN Granger, IN 2
8 10 N64 Kyle Walker Kyle Walker Peru, IN Peru, IN 2
9 6 6C Levi Copass Levi Copass Middletown, IN Middletown, IN -3
10 7 34 Gavin Bean Gavin Bean Dana, IN Dana, IN -3
8 Laps

Heat 2

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 1 39 Russ Disinger Russ Disinger Francesville, IN Francesville, IN -
2 3 28H Austin Helm Austin Helm Westfield, IN Westfield, IN 1
3 6 38J Wood Jimmy Wood Jimmy Monticello, IN Monticello, IN 3
4 5 16 Garrett Sautter Garrett Sautter Leesburg, IN Leesburg, IN 1
Top 4 transfer
5 10 51B Parker Bupp Parker Bupp Greenfield, IN Greenfield, IN 5
6 7 9 Brad Sutton Brad Sutton Palmetto, FL Palmetto, FL 1
7 8 23C Connor Corcoran Connor Corcoran Logansport, IN Logansport, IN 1
8 4 66C Caleb Shietze Caleb Shietze Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN -4
9 2 07C Carter Whaley Carter Whaley Danville, IN Danville, IN -7
DNS 9 59 Cody Jackson Cody Jackson Brook, IN Brook, IN -
8 Laps

Heat 3

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 3 21B Beau Brandon Beau Brandon Elwood, IN Elwood, IN 2
2 6 7S Kanon Posey Kanon Posey Pittsboro, IN Pittsboro, IN 4
3 4 57JR Tyler Hartzell Tyler Hartzell Granger, IN Granger, IN 1
4 1 4 Tyler Orr Tyler Orr Buffalo, IN Buffalo, IN -3
Top 4 transfer
5 2 7A Charlie Allen Charlie Allen Crawfordsville, IN Crawfordsville, IN -3
6 5 3B Caleb Burge Caleb Burge Anderson, IN Anderson, IN -1
7 8 89 Kati Waggoner Kati Waggoner Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN 1
8 9 43M Clayton Maynard Clayton Maynard Peru, IN Peru, IN 1
9 7 12J Jayden Gorman Jayden Gorman New Castle, IN New Castle, IN -2
8 Laps

Heat 4

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 2 75 TJ Scime TJ Scime Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN 1
2 4 12 Jacob Ruppe Jacob Ruppe South Bend, IN South Bend, IN 2
3 1 180 Craig Overpeck Craig Overpeck Logansport, IN Logansport, IN -2
4 3 24M Bryce Maxson Bryce Maxson Monticello, IN Monticello, IN -1
Top 4 transfer
5 5 55 Patrick Sullivan Patrick Sullivan Auburn, IN Auburn, IN -
6 6 00 Bryan Martin Bryan Martin Fort Wayne, IN Fort Wayne, IN -
7 7 18Y Jeremy Young Jeremy Young -
DNS 8 9H Stuart Hanft Stuart Hanft Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN -
DNS 9 97G Landon Gutwein Landon Gutwein Francesville, IN Francesville, IN -
4 Laps

Qualifying 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 7 K10 Kole Kirkman Kole Kirkman Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 12.224
2 4 2V Stone Sharpe Stone Sharpe Frankfort, IN Frankfort, IN 12.255
3 2 43 Parker Perry Parker Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN 12.366
4 1 P1 Parker Leek Parker Leek Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN 12.395
5 6 52 Jacob Bretzman Jacob Bretzman Peru, IN Peru, IN 12.431
6 3 6C Levi Copass Levi Copass Middletown, IN Middletown, IN 12.632
7 8 34 Gavin Bean Gavin Bean Dana, IN Dana, IN 12.645
8 9 30R Kayden Boles Kayden Boles Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 12.684
9 5 6 Nick Schaefer Nick Schaefer Granger, IN Granger, IN 12.745
10 10 N64 Kyle Walker Kyle Walker Peru, IN Peru, IN 13.170
4 Laps

Qualifying 2

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 9 66C Caleb Shietze Caleb Shietze Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 12.328
2 6 28H Austin Helm Austin Helm Westfield, IN Westfield, IN 12.466
3 4 07C Carter Whaley Carter Whaley Danville, IN Danville, IN 12.483
4 5 39 Russ Disinger Russ Disinger Francesville, IN Francesville, IN 12.485
5 3 16 Garrett Sautter Garrett Sautter Leesburg, IN Leesburg, IN 12.509
6 10 38J Wood Jimmy Wood Jimmy Monticello, IN Monticello, IN 12.566
7 8 9 Brad Sutton Brad Sutton Palmetto, FL Palmetto, FL 12.619
8 1 23C Connor Corcoran Connor Corcoran Logansport, IN Logansport, IN 12.737
9 2 59 Cody Jackson Cody Jackson Brook, IN Brook, IN 12.775
10 7 51B Parker Bupp Parker Bupp Greenfield, IN Greenfield, IN 12.779
4 Laps

Qualifying 3

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 3 57JR Tyler Hartzell Tyler Hartzell Granger, IN Granger, IN 12.315
2 8 21B Beau Brandon Beau Brandon Elwood, IN Elwood, IN 12.341
3 9 7A Charlie Allen Charlie Allen Crawfordsville, IN Crawfordsville, IN 12.412
4 5 4 Tyler Orr Tyler Orr Buffalo, IN Buffalo, IN 12.543
5 1 3B Caleb Burge Caleb Burge Anderson, IN Anderson, IN 12.548
6 2 7S Kanon Posey Kanon Posey Pittsboro, IN Pittsboro, IN 12.592
7 4 12J Jayden Gorman Jayden Gorman New Castle, IN New Castle, IN 12.901
8 6 89 Kati Waggoner Kati Waggoner Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN 12.911
9 7 43M Clayton Maynard Clayton Maynard Peru, IN Peru, IN 13.036
4 Laps

Qualifying 4

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 1 12 Jacob Ruppe Jacob Ruppe South Bend, IN South Bend, IN 12.629
2 4 24M Bryce Maxson Bryce Maxson Monticello, IN Monticello, IN 12.786
3 3 75 TJ Scime TJ Scime Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN 12.800
4 9 180 Craig Overpeck Craig Overpeck Logansport, IN Logansport, IN 13.210
5 5 55 Patrick Sullivan Patrick Sullivan Auburn, IN Auburn, IN 13.445
6 8 00 Bryan Martin Bryan Martin Fort Wayne, IN Fort Wayne, IN 13.677
7 7 18Y Jeremy Young Jeremy Young 14.412
8 2 9H Stuart Hanft Stuart Hanft Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN
9 6 97G Landon Gutwein Landon Gutwein Francesville, IN Francesville, IN

NOW600 A-Class Micros

25 Laps

A Feature 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 2 K10 Kole Kirkman Kole Kirkman Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 1
2 4 7A Charlie Allen Charlie Allen Crawfordsville, IN Crawfordsville, IN 2
3 3 28H Austin Helm Austin Helm Westfield, IN Westfield, IN -
4 5 43 Parker Perry Parker Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN 1
5 6 95M Noah Mehl Noah Mehl Fairland, IN Fairland, IN 1
6 7 7S Kanon Posey Kanon Posey Pittsboro, IN Pittsboro, IN 1
7 10 56B Caidyn Brinkman Caidyn Brinkman Speedway, IN Speedway, IN 3
8 8 17L Chase Lauderbaugh Chase Lauderbaugh Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN -
9 12 51B Parker Bupp Parker Bupp Greenfield, IN Greenfield, IN 3
10 13 61S Dave Sams Dave Sams Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 3
11 17 C4 Cooper Baldwin Cooper Baldwin Peru, IN Peru, IN 6
12 15 88 Andy Atkinson Andy Atkinson Gibsonburg, OH Gibsonburg, OH 3
13 14 30 David Bretz David Bretz McComb, OH McComb, OH 1
14 18 29L Jackson Lauderbaugh Jackson Lauderbaugh Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 4
15 9 29F Franki Wood Franki Wood Monticello, IN Monticello, IN -6
16 1 39 Rusty Disinger Rusty Disinger Francesville, IN Francesville, IN -15
17 16 333G William Cleland William Cleland Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN -1
18 11 50 Megan Cooley Megan Cooley Wheatfield, IN Wheatfield, IN -7
19 19 10C Chase Hughes Chase Hughes Chalmers, IN Chalmers, IN -
8 Laps

Heat 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 2 39 Rusty Disinger Rusty Disinger Francesville, IN Francesville, IN 1
2 4 28H Austin Helm Austin Helm Westfield, IN Westfield, IN 2
3 3 43 Parker Perry Parker Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN -
4 6 7S Kanon Posey Kanon Posey Pittsboro, IN Pittsboro, IN 2
5 1 29F Franki Wood Franki Wood Monticello, IN Monticello, IN -4
6 5 50 Megan Cooley Megan Cooley Wheatfield, IN Wheatfield, IN -1
7 9 61S Dave Sams Dave Sams Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 2
8 8 88 Andy Atkinson Andy Atkinson Gibsonburg, OH Gibsonburg, OH -
9 DNF 7 C4 Cooper Baldwin Cooper Baldwin Peru, IN Peru, IN -2
DNS 10 10C Chase Hughes Chase Hughes Chalmers, IN Chalmers, IN -
All transfer
8 Laps

Heat 2

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 2 95M Noah Mehl Noah Mehl Fairland, IN Fairland, IN 1
2 4 K10 Kole Kirkman Kole Kirkman Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 2
3 3 7A Charlie Allen Charlie Allen Crawfordsville, IN Crawfordsville, IN -
4 1 17L Chase Lauderbaugh Chase Lauderbaugh Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN -3
5 7 56B Caidyn Brinkman Caidyn Brinkman Speedway, IN Speedway, IN 2
6 6 51B Parker Bupp Parker Bupp Greenfield, IN Greenfield, IN -
7 8 30 David Bretz David Bretz McComb, OH McComb, OH 1
8 9 333G William Cleland William Cleland Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 1
9 5 29L Jackson Lauderbaugh Jackson Lauderbaugh Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN -4
All transfer
4 Laps

Qualifying 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 8 28H Austin Helm Austin Helm Westfield, IN Westfield, IN 11.287
2 1 43 Parker Perry Parker Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN 11.288
3 3 39 Rusty Disinger Rusty Disinger Francesville, IN Francesville, IN 11.331
4 7 29F Franki Wood Franki Wood Monticello, IN Monticello, IN 11.436
5 4 50 Megan Cooley Megan Cooley Wheatfield, IN Wheatfield, IN 11.508
6 6 7S Kanon Posey Kanon Posey Pittsboro, IN Pittsboro, IN 11.509
7 10 C4 Cooper Baldwin Cooper Baldwin Peru, IN Peru, IN 11.671
8 5 88 Andy Atkinson Andy Atkinson Gibsonburg, OH Gibsonburg, OH 11.820
9 2 61S Dave Sams Dave Sams Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 11.878
10 9 10C Chase Hughes Chase Hughes Chalmers, IN Chalmers, IN 11.898
4 Laps

Qualifying 2

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 6 K10 Kole Kirkman Kole Kirkman Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 11.281
2 8 7A Charlie Allen Charlie Allen Crawfordsville, IN Crawfordsville, IN 11.402
3 5 95M Noah Mehl Noah Mehl Fairland, IN Fairland, IN 11.480
4 2 17L Chase Lauderbaugh Chase Lauderbaugh Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 11.592
5 9 29L Jackson Lauderbaugh Jackson Lauderbaugh Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN 11.661
6 7 51B Parker Bupp Parker Bupp Greenfield, IN Greenfield, IN 11.713
7 1 56B Caidyn Brinkman Caidyn Brinkman Speedway, IN Speedway, IN 11.809
8 3 30 David Bretz David Bretz McComb, OH McComb, OH 11.958
9 4 333G William Cleland William Cleland Kokomo, IN Kokomo, IN

NOW600 Restricted Micros

25 Laps

A Feature 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 4 64 Kolton Spencer Kolton Spencer Renselear, IN Renselear, IN 3
2 5 3 Cale Cannon Cale Cannon Kouts, IN Kouts, IN 3
3 6 00 Adam Artman Adam Artman Whitestown, IN Whitestown, IN 3
4 2 66 Brantley Henderson Brantley Henderson Lafayette, IN Lafayette, IN -2
5 10 63 Gavin Burge Gavin Burge Anderson, IN Anderson, IN 5
6 11 21C Chase Kosmatka Chase Kosmatka Michigan City, IN Michigan City, IN 5
7 7 19 Norman Girard Norman Girard Jamestown, IN Jamestown, IN -
8 14 12H Presley Horvath Presley Horvath Plymouth, IN Plymouth, IN 6
9 15 17D Nathan Dillon Nathan Dillon Logansport, IN Logansport, IN 6
10 1 4JD JD Kimmel JD Kimmel Greencastle, IN Greencastle, IN -9
11 12 5KC Kara Coffey Kara Coffey Anderson, IN Anderson, IN 1
12 17 11K Kaelynn Mercier Kaelynn Mercier Galveston, IN Galveston, IN 5
13 8 10 Brody Davis Brody Davis Montpelier, IN Montpelier, IN -5
14 DNF 9 39M Madden Merrill Madden Merrill Fremont, OH Fremont, OH -5
15 DNF 3 47 Nolan Mitchell Nolan Mitchell West Lafayette, IN West Lafayette, IN -12
16 DNF 13 71T Jackie Smith Jackie Smith Rossville, IN Rossville, IN -3
17 DNF 16 777 Jamison Burnworth Jamison Burnworth Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN -1
DNS 18 88 Ryker Orr Ryker Orr Columbia City, IN Columbia City, IN -
8 Laps

Heat 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 5 64 Kolton Spencer Kolton Spencer Renselear, IN Renselear, IN 4
2 1 66 Brantley Henderson Brantley Henderson Lafayette, IN Lafayette, IN -1
3 6 47 Nolan Mitchell Nolan Mitchell West Lafayette, IN West Lafayette, IN 3
4 3 19 Norman Girard Norman Girard Jamestown, IN Jamestown, IN -1
5 2 39M Madden Merrill Madden Merrill Fremont, OH Fremont, OH -3
6 4 21C Chase Kosmatka Chase Kosmatka Michigan City, IN Michigan City, IN -2
7 7 71T Jackie Smith Jackie Smith Rossville, IN Rossville, IN -
8 8 17D Nathan Dillon Nathan Dillon Logansport, IN Logansport, IN -
9 9 11K Kaelynn Mercier Kaelynn Mercier Galveston, IN Galveston, IN -
All transfer
8 Laps

Heat 2

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 1 00 Adam Artman Adam Artman Whitestown, IN Whitestown, IN -
2 4 3 Cale Cannon Cale Cannon Kouts, IN Kouts, IN 2
3 3 4JD JD Kimmel JD Kimmel Greencastle, IN Greencastle, IN -
4 2 10 Brody Davis Brody Davis Montpelier, IN Montpelier, IN -2
5 5 63 Gavin Burge Gavin Burge Anderson, IN Anderson, IN -
6 7 5KC Kara Coffey Kara Coffey Anderson, IN Anderson, IN 1
7 8 12H Presley Horvath Presley Horvath Plymouth, IN Plymouth, IN 1
8 6 777 Jamison Burnworth Jamison Burnworth Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN -2
DNS 9 88 Ryker Orr Ryker Orr Columbia City, IN Columbia City, IN -
All transfer
4 Laps

Qualifying 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 3 21C Chase Kosmatka Chase Kosmatka Michigan City, IN Michigan City, IN 12.429
2 8 19 Norman Girard Norman Girard Jamestown, IN Jamestown, IN 12.596
3 5 39M Madden Merrill Madden Merrill Fremont, OH Fremont, OH 12.812
4 7 66 Brantley Henderson Brantley Henderson Lafayette, IN Lafayette, IN 12.814
5 1 64 Kolton Spencer Kolton Spencer Renselear, IN Renselear, IN 12.816
6 9 47 Nolan Mitchell Nolan Mitchell West Lafayette, IN West Lafayette, IN 12.852
7 2 71T Jackie Smith Jackie Smith Rossville, IN Rossville, IN 13.060
8 4 17D Nathan Dillon Nathan Dillon Logansport, IN Logansport, IN 13.171
9 6 11K Kaelynn Mercier Kaelynn Mercier Galveston, IN Galveston, IN 13.266
4 Laps

Qualifying 2

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 5 3 Cale Cannon Cale Cannon Kouts, IN Kouts, IN 12.242
2 8 4JD JD Kimmel JD Kimmel Greencastle, IN Greencastle, IN 12.734
3 4 10 Brody Davis Brody Davis Montpelier, IN Montpelier, IN 12.775
4 1 00 Adam Artman Adam Artman Whitestown, IN Whitestown, IN 12.800
5 7 63 Gavin Burge Gavin Burge Anderson, IN Anderson, IN 13.056
6 2 777 Jamison Burnworth Jamison Burnworth Warsaw, IN Warsaw, IN 13.162
7 3 5KC Kara Coffey Kara Coffey Anderson, IN Anderson, IN 13.387
8 9 12H Presley Horvath Presley Horvath Plymouth, IN Plymouth, IN 13.425
9 6 88 Ryker Orr Ryker Orr Columbia City, IN Columbia City, IN

NOW600 Junior Sprints

15 Laps

A Feature 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 3 28K McKenna Kren McKenna Kren Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN 2
2 4 3R Ryan Ooley Ryan Ooley Rushville, IN Rushville, IN 2
3 8 1 Paxton Perry Paxton Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN 5
4 13 09 Declan Fitzpatrick Declan Fitzpatrick Leesburg, IN Leesburg, IN 9
5 2 5 Riley Conley Riley Conley Fremont, OH Fremont, OH -3
6 12 21 Rhyker Hicks Rhyker Hicks Rome City, IN Rome City, IN 6
7 5 22 Drake Tarlton Drake Tarlton Pierceton, IN Pierceton, IN -2
8 11 14 Lane White Lane White Napoleon, OH Napoleon, OH 3
9 9 15 Brodie Brubaker Brodie Brubaker North Manchester, IN North Manchester, IN -
10 10 18 Leland Deis Leland Deis Galveston, IN Galveston, IN -
11 7 6K Raelyn Krug Raelyn Krug Remington, IN Remington, IN -4
12 6 7 Hudson Andrews Hudson Andrews Brownsburg, IN Brownsburg, IN -6
13 1 29 Myles Bartley Myles Bartley Winona Lake, IN Winona Lake, IN -12
8 Laps

Heat 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 4 28K McKenna Kren McKenna Kren Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN 3
2 7 29 Myles Bartley Myles Bartley Winona Lake, IN Winona Lake, IN 5
3 1 22 Drake Tarlton Drake Tarlton Pierceton, IN Pierceton, IN -2
4 5 6K Raelyn Krug Raelyn Krug Remington, IN Remington, IN 1
5 6 15 Brodie Brubaker Brodie Brubaker North Manchester, IN North Manchester, IN 1
6 2 14 Lane White Lane White Napoleon, OH Napoleon, OH -4
7 3 09 Declan Fitzpatrick Declan Fitzpatrick Leesburg, IN Leesburg, IN -4
8 Laps

Heat 2

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown +/-
1 2 3R Ryan Ooley Ryan Ooley Rushville, IN Rushville, IN 1
2 1 5 Riley Conley Riley Conley Fremont, OH Fremont, OH -1
3 4 7 Hudson Andrews Hudson Andrews Brownsburg, IN Brownsburg, IN 1
4 3 1 Paxton Perry Paxton Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN -1
5 5 18 Leland Deis Leland Deis Galveston, IN Galveston, IN -
6 6 21 Rhyker Hicks Rhyker Hicks Rome City, IN Rome City, IN -
4 Laps

Qualifying 1

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 6 28K McKenna Kren McKenna Kren Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN 13.594
2 2 09 Declan Fitzpatrick Declan Fitzpatrick Leesburg, IN Leesburg, IN 14.084
3 5 14 Lane White Lane White Napoleon, OH Napoleon, OH 14.397
4 1 22 Drake Tarlton Drake Tarlton Pierceton, IN Pierceton, IN 14.742
5 7 6K Raelyn Krug Raelyn Krug Remington, IN Remington, IN 15.646
6 3 15 Brodie Brubaker Brodie Brubaker North Manchester, IN North Manchester, IN 17.788
7 4 29 Myles Bartley Myles Bartley Winona Lake, IN Winona Lake, IN
4 Laps

Qualifying 2

Finish Start # Competitor Hometown Time
1 5 7 Hudson Andrews Hudson Andrews Brownsburg, IN Brownsburg, IN 13.553
2 4 1 Paxton Perry Paxton Perry North Vernon, IN North Vernon, IN 13.747
3 3 3R Ryan Ooley Ryan Ooley Rushville, IN Rushville, IN 14.071
4 6 5 Riley Conley Riley Conley Fremont, OH Fremont, OH 14.195
5 2 18 Leland Deis Leland Deis Galveston, IN Galveston, IN 14.372
6 1 21 Rhyker Hicks Rhyker Hicks Rome City, IN Rome City, IN 14.513
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